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Confirmation Retreat

Friday, 3/21/25 at 7:00pm - 1:30pm

About the Event

Overnight EventYouth Event

Bring your Confirmation Class to Gretna Glen for a weekend where we ask the question "Are you Ready to Embrace Your Faith?"

Confirmation Retreat at Gretna Glen has a wonderful history and has been a standard for thousands of confirmands throughout the years. The weekend is focused on the five vows of affirmation—prayer, presence, gifts, service & witness. Each vow comes to life as the confirmands participate in hands-on activities, discussions, and reflections that help draw parallels between confirmation and a life of faith. Confirmands will go on a local mission trip on Saturday afternoon, experience teambuilding, the trust trail, and evening worship around a campfire as part of this retreat. This program is built to complement any confirmation curriculum, no matter what stage of the confirmation process your students are in. Confirmation classes and their adult leaders will come together with other churches to experience this retreat.

1 Corinthians 12:12—The body is one and has many members, but all the members, many though they are, are one body; and so it is with Christ.

Schedule Preview:

Friday—Registration 7pm in the Funk Program Center.

Friday—Ice Breakers, Snack, Bible Study, Worship Service

Saturday AM—Gifts Inventory & Witness Workshop

Saturday PM—Local Mission Trip & Free Time

Saturday Night—Trust Trail, Prayer Labyrinth, Worship Service

Sunday—Connectionalism, Youth lead Worship Service

Register Using the Form Below 

Gretna Glen Confirmation Camp Registration

This is the online registration for your group to attend Gretna Glen's Confirmation Retreat. Please complete this registration form to begin the process for attending. This process is done as a group registration. You will be prompted to provide information about the church, youth, and adults that will be attending the retreat. Spaces are filled on a "first come, first serve" basis. After completing the registration form, you will receive information regarding further details and payment.

I am registering a group for:*

( )   -

Please enter the number of youth and adults attending. Note: male and female adult volunteers are required for the entire event at a ratio of 1 adult per 8 students. Adult Volunteers are responsible for the supervision of the Confirmands. The use of adult volunteers allows us to keep the cost of the weekend down as well as allows the Confirmands to know that their church is invested in their spiritual growth.

Does your church provide group transportation? (Van or Bus)*

In the next section, you will be asked to include a roster of your group. If the number of youth or adults change, please let us know as soon as possible. If any of the youth or adults have specific needs that we need should know about (physical, mental, dietary, etc), please write a brief note so we can accommodate their needs.


After submitting this registration form you will receive a confirmation e-mail from our office with necessary health forms, next steps, and payment details.

Next Steps

Please include a group roster. In the spaces provided, please list the names, genders, & ages of your confirmands and the names and genders of the adult volunteers.

John Smith M 13,
Chris Davis M 13,
Stacy Lewis F 15,
Gwen Jones F 14,

Pricing Information 

Confirmation Camper - $130.00

(registration deposit  - $65.00 )

Adult Leader - $65.00

Volunteer Registration -(please choose a "non-summer volunteer" category)

Forms To Print and Bring 

Camper Health History Form - One Per Camper

Adult Volunteer Health History - One Per Volunteer

Authorization for Medication - If Needed