Join us this Sunday, October 20th for our FREE Fall Fun Day Event!

Step 3: Get Ready!



While we strive to limit the need for lots of paper forms, this year we have had to add some forms which must be filled out and brought with you to camp. They are here:

For campers (day or overnight) who have medications:

Authorization for Medication Form


Many of our forms for summer camp are online through our Campbrain registration software.

To access your registration and manage your forms please click the button below:

Access My Registration

What time is check in on arrival day?

For day camp programs check in will begin at 8:30am on Monday only, unless you have signed up for extended day which begins at 7:30am. Check in from Tuesday-Friday will begin at 8:45am. Check in will be a drive thru style (thanks to our new road this will work). Campers will be checked in at their cars.

What time is pick up for day camp?

Day camp check out begins at 3:30 each day ends at 4:00pm.  Prior to arriving at camp parent/guardians will need to list who is authorized to pick up their child in our registration system. Photo ID will be required for camper pick up.

If you have signed your child up for extended day pick up begins at 5:15pm and ends at 5:30pm.

Where will my child eat?

Day campers will be offered two prepackaged snacks each day and lunch will be served buffet style by our staff on the dining hall deck. We may also incorporate bagged lunch or a meal over  campfire for the older day campers as part of a program experience.

Can my child bring a cell phone to camp?

Gretna Glen, along with summer camps across the country, will continue to enforce a no camper cell phone policy. We can appreciate the desire for parents and guardians to be in contact with their camper while they are at camp however the risks of allowing campers to have cell phones continue to outweigh the benefits in the camp community. Cell phones continue to advance and offer multi use functions like camera, video recording, music player, texting, web browsing, and video games that can put campers at risk of emotional injury when misused or unsupervised. In addition to these factors, cell phones can be expensive and the outdoor camp environment can be hard on electronics. We encourage letters from home and encourage campers to write letters while they are here.

Can I call my camper?

No, campers do not receive phone calls while at camp. If communications from the camp to the parent/guardian is needed the leadership team at camp will call the primary phone number(s), and coordinate the needs of the camper.

Does my child get a photo of their camper group?

Day campers will receive a 4x6 group photo. Cost of the photo is included in the registration fee. Photos will be handed out at check out on the last day of camp.

We will also take pictures of the campers in action throughout the week. We will e-mail you each week directions to access these secure online photos. We do not guarantee photos of every child and really do our best to get a mix of photos each week.

Is there a camp store?

Campers can visit the camp store with their parent/guardian at the end of the day. Parent/Guardians will park in the parking lot for pick up at the welcome pavilion where the camp store is located.

Can my child leave during their camp week?

Once a child is dropped off at day camp they need to stay for the remainder of the day unless an emergency arises. If a day camper needs to leave for an appointment mid day they should not return until the following day.

What should my day camper pack for camp?
  • Please dress your child in their swimsuit with shorts and a shirt over-top to arrive at camp. 
  •  Please send your child with a complete change of clothes.
  •  Please put sunscreen on your child before they arrive and also send some in their backpack.
  •  Please send a reusable water bottle with your child’s name on it.
  • Your child must wear sneakers or closed toe shoes at all times.
Does my day camper have to swim in the pool?

Day campers can choose whether they want to swim in the pool. Alternatives are the water slide, water games, and the sandbox. All campers do listen to the pool rules on the first day. Life-jackets are provided when needed at the pool. The shallow part of the pool is 3 feet deep.

Do you have Lost & Found?

We do!  Each day we will gather up lost and found and have it at a table near check out. After the camp week is over we store it until the end of summer when it is then donated to a local ministry.

Can my camper request a friend/sibling in her small group?

Upon registering for camp, you can request one 'bunk mate' to be in your small group. Typically we place the campers in the age group of the youngest camper. For example: If a 1st grader and 3rd grader request to be 'bunk mates' the 3rd grader would move down to the 1st & 2nd grade group.  Every week is a different group of campers . We adjust the number of groups we have weekly, based off of our number of registered campers. Some weeks we have 22 day campers in two groups and some weeks we have 60 day campers in four groups. If we have an abundance of kids in one grade for example, that whole group may be all first graders. While campers are in these small groups for specific times/activities during the day it is good to know that the larger will see each other throughout the day.

My child has special health needs. Can they come to camp?

Gretna Glen desires for all children to experience summer camp. For children and youth with special needs, we ask that you contact our office by phone or email to discuss the needs of your campers before enrollment. Campers special health needs such as: chronic physical conditions such as epilepsy or insulin-dependent diabetes, illnesses such as cancer, or physically disabling conditions such as spina bifida should contact us so that we can learn the best program for your child’s needs. For campers with diagnosed mental conditions, we also ask parents/guardians to share this information prior to enrollment so that we can supply specially trained counselors when possible.

Can I pack a lunch for my camper?

Gretna Glen provides a great camper friendly lunch, however we do recognize for some campers a packed lunch is what they want. Please be sure to label the lunch bag and turn it in at check in when you arrive. We will be sure they get it at lunch time.

Can your counselors reapply sunscreen?

Please apply sunscreen prior to bringing your child to camp. Summer staff will encourage campers to reapply and help them if needed.

Do day campers swim in the pool every day?

This summer day campers will have the opportunity to swim in the pool Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. On Mondays, camp staff will be providing awesome water activities that do not include the pool.

Can we come to day camp late?

We recognize that sometimes this is unavoidable due to doctor appointments. However, if at all possible please arrive at your assigned time for drop off. Our processes for check in procedures take many resources and pulls us away from camp activities when families are late. Please make your best effort to be on time.

What time is check in on arrival day?

For overnight programs beginning on Sunday check in will be between 3:00pm-4:00pm.

What time is departure on the last day of camp

Camper check-out time is from 5:00-6:00 pm on the day of their departure. The only exceptions to this are My Early Camping Adventure (11am on Wednesdays), and My Grown Up & Me (details in registration).

Where will my child eat?

Overnight campers will be served breakfast, lunch and dinner in our dining hall and deck area. We may have on occasion a program experience that they would eat a meal over a campfire or have a bagged lunch on a hike as part of a specific program experience. Overnight campers will have a PM snack.

Can my child bring a cell phone to camp?

Gretna Glen, along with summer camps across the country, will continue to enforce a no camper cell phone policy. We can appreciate the desire for parents and guardians to be in contact with their camper while they are at camp however the risks of allowing campers to have cell phones continue to outweigh the benefits in the camp community. Cell phones continue to advance and offer multi use functions like camera, video recording, music player, texting, web browsing, and video games that can put campers at risk of emotional injury when misused or unsupervised. In addition to these factors, cell phones can be expensive and the outdoor camp environment can be hard on electronics. We encourage letters from home and encourage campers to write letters while they are here. Please do not send your child with a smart watch due to these same factors.

Can I call my camper?

No, campers do not receive phone calls while at camp. Gretna Glen leadership will always communicate with the campers primary contact(s) if there is a need. 

Can I send email or mail to my overnight camper?

Campers love to get mail while at camp. Please remember to be positive in your mail and encourage campers to have a fun time during their camp experience.
Option #1: During Check-In we will collect your pre-planned camper mail and distribute. Please write your camper’s name, program name and the day you would like your letter delivered on the outside of each envelope. Note that we deliver camper mail at dinner time the first full day of camp and the last full day of camp. No postage is needed for this mail.

Option #2: You may use the US Postal Service. Please address mail as follows:
Gretna Glen Camp & Retreat Center C/O-Campers Name Campers Program Name 87 Old Mine Road Lebanon, PA 17042
Mail will be delivered Monday through Thursday for full week programs. It may take a few days for letters to arrive at camp after you mail them. If they get to camp early, we hang on to them for when your camper is here. Do not send food. Please do send happy, uplifting mail so your child can continue to enjoy camp without feeling homesick.

Option #3: You may send one-page e-mails to your camper to These are delivered on full camper days at dinner time. Please include in the subject line: Camper’s Name and Program Name. Please do not send graphics, moving images, colored text or backgrounds. Campers cannot reply to e-mails.

Does my child get a photo of their camper group?

Overnight campers will receive an 8x10 group photo. Cost of the photo is included in the registration fee. Photos will be handed out at check out on the last day of camp. 

We will also take pictures of the campers in action throughout the week. We will e-mail you each week directions to access these secure online photos. We do not guarantee photos of every child and really do our best to get a mix of photos each week.

Is there a camp store?

Gretna Glen does have a camp store near the parking lot and a small snackery for campers use during campers choice time. Campers are provided with everything they need and the camp store/snackery is just a fun part of the camp experience. Camper families can pay online in advance for their child's store money. $10-$25 is plenty for a week of camp. We limit the amount of snacks campers can purchase each day.  

Camp Store Pricing Example:

Food: Ice Cream Cup - $1.00   Ice Pops - 50¢   Bagged Chips – 50¢   Candy Bar - $1.00

Merchandise: Sweatshirts - $20.00   Tee-shirts - $12.00   Stuffed Animal - $10.00   Water Bottle - $10.00  
Sunglasses - $3.00   Postcard - 50¢

Can my child leave during their camp week?
We really prefer to have your camper spend the entire week at camp. This helps their entire group to have a consistent experience together. Please schedule medical appointments and lessons around their week of camp. 
What should my overnight camper pack?

Limit the number of bags you bring. Do your best to consolidate. Label each bag/item as possible.

• Sleeping bag or sheets & blankets for Twin Size Bed
• Pillow
• Pajamas
• Towel, washcloth (body soap & shampoo is provided if you would like to use Gretna Glen’s)
• Toothbrush & toothpaste in zip lock bag with name on it
• Backpack/shower bag (Cabin campers, please bring a bag to carry your toiletries/clothes/towel to the bathroom)
• Insect repellent & Sun Screen with camper’s name
• Water Bottle with camper’s name
• Clothing for each day of camp + an extra outfit
• Theme Days - Tie Dye Tuesday & Wildlife Wednesday (if you have
• Sweatshirt or jacket
• Modest swimwear (no bikinis; tankinis are acceptable) & towel
• Rain jacket/poncho
• Bible, notebook, pen or pencil in a bag to carry
• Flashlight, batteries
• 2 pair of sneakers (they may get dirty)
• Sandals for pool or showerhouse

How can I prepare my child for a successful week of camp?

The best thing you can do for your camper is be excited with them about all of the good experiences that camp will bring. Tell them that you are proud of them for taking on a week of summer camp. Include them in the packing process so that they feel confident and prepared. Speak positively about your own camp experiences. Lastly - talk with your camper about camp and ask if they have any concerns ahead of time. It's completely normal to be a little nervous about camp, and talking it through with you may help make their week of camp even better.

My child has special health needs. Can they come to camp?

Gretna Glen desires for all children to experience summer camp. For children and youth with special needs, we ask that you contact our office by phone or email to discuss the needs of your campers before enrollment. Campers special health needs such as: chronic physical conditions such as epilepsy or insulin-dependent diabetes, illnesses such as cancer, or physically disabling conditions such as spina bifida should contact us so that we can learn the best program for your child’s needs. For campers with diagnosed mental conditions, we also ask parents/guardians to share this information prior to enrollment so that we can supply specially trained counselors when possible.

Can I pick up my child early?

If overnight campers need to depart early from camp they must do so during our early pick-up time at 12pm on Friday. This must be prearranged at camper drop off. On Friday, parents must stop first at the office for instructions to check-out campers with Gretna Glen staff at the dining hall. Camper belongings will be packed and ready at the dining hall.

Account Login

From time to time you will need to access your account through our "Campbrain" registration system to manage your camper's registration.

  • Financial Updates and Payments
  • Health Forms
  • Specialty Trip Forms
  • Updating contact information

In order to access this platform please click the button below.

Registration Site