About the Event
Overnight EventYouth Event
Bring your Confirmation Class to Gretna Glen for a weekend where we ask the question "Are you Ready to Embrace Your Faith?"
Confirmation Retreat at Gretna Glen has a wonderful history and has been a standard for thousands of confirmands throughout the years. The weekend is focused on the five vows of affirmation—prayer, presence, gifts, service & witness. Each vow comes to life as the confirmands participate in hands-on activities, discussions, and reflections that help draw parallels between confirmation and a life of faith. Confirmands will go on a local mission trip on Saturday afternoon, experience teambuilding, the trust trail, and evening worship around a campfire as part of this retreat. This program is built to complement any confirmation curriculum, no matter what stage of the confirmation process your students are in. Confirmation classes and their adult leaders will come together with other churches to experience this retreat.
1 Corinthians 12:12—The body is one and has many members, but all the members, many though they are, are one body; and so it is with Christ.
Schedule Preview:
Friday—Registration 7pm in the Funk Program Center.
Friday—Ice Breakers, Snack, Bible Study, Worship Service
Saturday AM—Gifts Inventory & Witness Workshop
Saturday PM—Local Mission Trip & Free Time
Saturday Night—Trust Trail, Prayer Labyrinth, Worship Service
Sunday—Connectionalism, Youth lead Worship Service
Register Using the Form Below
Pricing Information
Confirmation Camper - $130.00
(registration deposit - $65.00 )
Adult Leader - $65.00
Volunteer Registration -(please choose a "non-summer volunteer" category)
Forms To Print and Bring
Camper Health History Form - One Per Camper